
Calling You Home

To The Love That You Are.

Divine & Free

Image of a sound transmission by Megan and Olivier, pictured within a laptop screen.

Join Us:

Our Membership Constellation

Surrender. Deepen. Expand Into Self-Realisation

Pure Love Frequency is a great portal for discovery, expansion, healing and awakening. From the deeply personal to the great collective uprising of consciousness.

Olivier and Megan Sing and play channeled Music that flows into and profoundly touches hearts and souls all around the world. 

Our Divine Offerings

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    One to One

    Imagine being held in an energy field of benevolence, like being in the presence of a something or someone so vast in their love for you…this is what you can experience in 1 to 1 sessions with Megan or Olivier.

  • Image of a cosmic whale swimming through a starscape


    Breathe in and open to Pure Love Frequency in online group programs and events offered by Megan and Olivier. Learn more about what offerings are available now when you join the Membership Constellation.

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    Book A concert

    Have you ever wondered what heaven sounds like? “Your music is what I heard when I had a Near Death Experience - pure heaven”. You can experience this too — Heaven on Earth! Book your own concert online or in person.

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    Purchase Audios

    Explore the shop and purchase our full range of sound bath & meditation albums. These are available as an instant MP3 download. Experience the bliss of Pure Love Frequency whenever and wherever you are.

Signature Program

Photo of dolphins swimming underwater in a bright blue ocean


Channelled Transmissions

for Joyful Unity

Over 21 Hours of Pure Love Frequencies, Star Songs, and Universal Transmissions

Greater Expansion~Deeper Peace


  • It was deeply profound, I am certain the healing I received tonight has changed aspects of me forever.

    Joanne Syron

  • Truly beautiful, blissful and amazing experience! Floating through a variety of sounds, Megan’s angelic voice, drums, harmonies and Olivier’s magical didgeridoo. It’s so hard to grasp it, but your body and mind will be totally nourished and relaxed!

    Magda Machlarz

  • A unique and transformational energy. It was so great to work with you both. The love between you two beautiful people is a magic ingredient that created a unique and transformational energy. Deep gratitude to you both.

    Beccy Rogers

  • You inspired me…to grab my drum, that I’ve not played in over a year … I started chanting. Thank you so much for re-igniting that spark. What a blessing.


  • So heavenly, so divine, beyond any earthly words, magical, amazing!


  • So delightful! The song touched my heart deeply. Thank you for such a wonderful, joyful gift.


  • No words, no words, no words to express the Divine Energy you so graciously shared with us!!!!!!!!!
