Blissful Unity…

Your Pathway to Connection, Clarity and Peace

***This Current season is now a closed group.

You can register your interest for the next season and we will inform you when registrations open once more.***

Register your Interest by emailing us:

During this 6-week season, you’ll surrender to the true nature of your divine self and experience your most expansive, unconditional beingness.

Olivier and Megan create a pure and peaceful space for you to bathe in divine vibrations of love. You will feel known and seen in ways you’ve never experienced. 

You need not think, do or speak.  Just come home…to you.

Each full-hour session draws you gently out of your head space and into your heart space, creating a portal for trance states of peace and bliss.

These high-vibration states help you to release patterns of thought and emotion that do not serve you and replace them with a deep understanding and loving connection to yourself.

Olivier and Megan masterfully weave vocal and instrumental sounds, channeling guidance and unconditional love to alchemize, release and heal. Their divine dance of sound creates doorways to greater consciousness, deeper knowledge, higher joy, healing, freedom and sooooo much love!

What can I expect during a session?

  • You may join on-camera or off-camera

  • You may sit, lie down, curl up, paint, draw, write…whatever you feel guided or inspired to do for you

  • You may want to have eyes open or closed

  • You may cry

  • You may laugh

  • You may not be able to stop smiling

  • You may have various physical sensations. This is normal and part of the healing and releasing process.

  • You will feel loved like never before

    There is no right or wrong way to receive. Each session will likely be different for you. Feel your way, trust yourself, and allow what comes.

What will I need?

  • A quiet, uninterrupted and comfortable space for at least an hour

  • Blanket, pillow, tissues

  • Any creative tools (i.e. a journal)

  • Headphones or good speaker

How does this work?

  • The season lasts for 6 weeks

  • There are 9 sessions available to attend

  • Six 90-minute live transmission sessions each Wednesday of the season

  • Three live Integration & Exploration circles every other Friday beginning the second week of the season to ask questions, share insights and connect with your fellow bliss invokers

What if I can’t make the live sessions?

  • We record all sessions to share with group members only, so you can access the session at your convenience. However, we have heard that the live sessions generate an in-the-moment energy that you won’t want to miss out on!

I’ve never done this before. How do I know if it’s for me?

You’ll get a taste of the program and have an opportunity to ask any questions you might have.

This program sounds amazing! How much does it cost?

We have 4 price options and plans available.

Close your eyes, take a few breaths and feel your way into your heart. This is about what is right for you.  Let your heart guide you.
If you're ready to take your journey of divine self-discovery to the next level, click the button next to the plan that feels right for you.  

We’ll see you on the other side. 💜

€777 gives you the full 6-week program

€997 gets you the full program plus a private session with Olivier or Megan (value over €1111)

€1997 gets you the full program plus 4 private sessions with Olivier or Megan (value over €2222)

Super Special Opportunity -

Name your price!

Do you want to be with us on Blissful Unity?!

Is the investment the only thing that’s stopping you?


We get it, and although we absolutely value BU at €777 and above, we are offering you a super special chance to come on board at your chosen price. 


Yep, name your price!!


We are in a time of the greatest change at a cosmic level.

We are riding incredible waves of newness. And we’re approaching the Equinox, when day and night are in perfect balance.

We’re on the precipice, the time of greatest light is upon us.


So to reflect this energy, and we may never do it like this again, but this is our way of saying…

”if you want to be there, we want you there.”


We want to remove any obstacles and have you sign up without hesitation.


There’s a €97 activation fee and then you choose anything from €1


You get the FULL program, full involvement.

Click the button below and follow the steps.

We’re so glad you’re joining us. 💙

What could Blissful Unity be like for you?

Hear Ryan talk about his magical experience.

Do you want to feel more connected?

Listen to how Marilyn experienced an activation during Blissful Unity

  • "It was very much a deep Activation...An opportunity to access within myself, higher realms, a deeper knowing of who I am, a feeling of coming home"


  • "This was the epitome of self-love and self-care. Every session was like unwrapping a gift, a beautiful surprise. I've never felt so loved, so purely seen and held. Simply incredible!"
