Blissful Unity…

Portals into greater Consciousness

This is the third season of Blissful Unity and it just keeps getting better!!

The resonant vibration of Pure Love. Where you can surrender to your divine nature and come into heightened, expansive states of pure joy, pure love, absolute knowing-ness, beauty and peace.

Our invitation to you is to come, let go and bathe in this pure and peaceful space of divine loving vibrations. Feel known and seen in ways that your soul receives deeply as all of you is nourished and grows . 

Nothing to do.  Just come home…to you ♡

The Pure Love Frequencies we stream to you are a portal for trance states of peace and bliss and heightened creative flow. You’ll drop out of your head and into your heart where true creation happens!!

This facilitates the release of habitual thoughts and emotions no longer serving you. So that you inhabit an even fuller, more loving, knowing connection with yourself and expand and play in higher consciousness.

There is always more LOVE!!

Here’s a taste…

Blissful Unity began with the FREE Dive on May 29.
Here is an excerpt for you to tune in to the energetic transmission that is coming through for everyone on the BU journey to receive and amplify.

What does it entail?

We meet on Zoom, bringing you channeled song and energy sound transmissions of love on Wednesdays. Each time will feel different with a new message and focus. The sessions builds on each other. It becomes a magical journey!

We also have calls every Friday to integrate and explore further.

BU is a 6 week season

  • 12 available live sessions. 90 minutes each

  • Six transmission sessions on Wednesdays.

    These are the rest back and be immersed in the energy sessions.

  • Six Integration & Exploration sessions on Fridays.

    Following a 15-20 minute coherence meditation you are guided to explore insights and gratitudes in a way that brings even more fulfilment. This space allows for beautiful connection and resonance with your fellow beings of bliss.

What if I can’t make the live sessions?

  • All sessions are recorded (for your ears only). You can access the session at your convenience. However, people tell us that the live sessions generate an in-the-moment energy that you won’t want to miss out on!

What will I need and what can I expect?

  • A quiet, uninterrupted and comfortable space

  • Blanket, pillow, tissues

  • Any creative tools (i.e. a journal) Some people love to paint.

  • Headphones or good speaker.

  • You may join on-camera or off-camera, you may want to have eyes open or closed. All is perfectly welcome.

  • You may sit, lie down, curl up, paint, draw, write…whatever you feel guided or inspired to do for you

  • You may cry, you may laugh, you may not be able to stop smiling!

    Physical sensations and emotions arising are perfectly normal in this releasing and ascension journey 💫

  • You will feel loved like never before

    There is no right or wrong way. Feel your way, and know what comes is perfect for you.

I’ve never done this before. How do I know if it’s for me?

It’s for you if you feel an energy of attraction to this. Your soul knows!!

What could Blissful Unity be like for you?

Hear Ryan talk about his magical experience.

Do you want to feel more connected?

Listen to how Marilyn experienced an activation during Blissful Unity

This program sounds amazing! How much does it cost?

We have 4 price options available.

Why different price options?

Money is energy. We use money to exchange value.

It’s important to us that are able join Blissful Unity whatever your abundance situation is right now. The different price points are here to make it accessible to you as well as making sure our business keeps growing and expanding and looks after us too.

We understand completely that you may well want to join at the higher levels yet your current circumstances don’t allow for that.

For that reason we created the lower two levels.

Whatever level you join at, we welcome you and we are happy that you can join and bring your presence to Blissful Unity. 


Opening to Possibility:

You are most welcome to join at this level if it makes it possible for you.


Shining Bright:

Your investment covers the basic costs of delivering Blissful Unity.


Creating Abundance:

Pure Love Frequency thrives so that we can give more to you here and beyond


Thrive and Blossom:

Not only does our business thrive but your generosity supports others to join the program at a lower price.

  • "It was very much a deep Activation...An opportunity to access within myself, higher realms, a deeper knowing of who I am, a feeling of coming home"


  • "This was the epitome of self-love and self-care. Every session was like unwrapping a gift, a beautiful surprise. I've never felt so loved, so purely seen and held. Simply incredible!"
