A Wave of Love

WOW - what a wave of love we have been receiving since opening up Blissful Unity with a ‘Name Your Price’ option!

We truly are so grateful for all the kind words and heartfelt gratitude we are receiving.

Megan brought through a beautiful song to share this loving energy, you can enjoy it here: https://www.purelovefrequency.com/blog/singing-blissful-gratitude

There are powerful shifts happening right now. 

When these energetic shifts roll through it also means there is even more love and support coming from the angelic realms and the heavenly beings who love us so much. 

It’s two days until the Equinox, when night and day are perfectly equal. 

I wonder in what ways you are incorporating this cosmic balance and riding this latest wave of ascension energy?

We begin Blissful Unity on Wednesday, the day after the equinox. 

This loving, blissful path is for you to meet these powerful energies of change.

The invitation is to rise up into a whole new level of joy and appreciation of this beautiful spiritual/human journey that we are all sharing.

We see everyone who is taking part as a wayshower, a shining light who is embodying the vibration of love and infinite abundance.

The more of us that come together in this golden web of heavenly creation, the sooner we will all be living in the New Earth Frequency - the Frequency of Pure Love.

In whatever way you are celebrating the Equinox, thank you for consciously bringing more light to our world.

If you feel drawn to joining us in Blissful Unity, the doors are open and we welcome you with an open heart:


Today was Mother’s Day in the UK. 

We honour all the mothers throughout time who have loved the next generation into being.

Now is our time of realising a new world.

May all beings live in a world of peace, abundance and infinite unconditional love.

So much love,

Olivier and Megan

Sent as an email to our beautiful community on 19 March 2023

Thanks to Jenny Hawkyard for the beautiful image behind our logo.


Summer FREE Dive


Singing Blissful Gratitude