Is Bliss Really Attainable?

 “I am everything I want to be, I have everything I need” 

(Lyrics by Beautiful Chorus.)

I wish to invite you into a sublime, love-filled, conscious tuning experience called “Blissful Unity”. First though I’d like to share some thoughts with you. You know those things you think about, that you have a sense of and get occasional deeper glimpses into the realisation? I’m talking about the things we long for. On some level we understand them through sayings like ‘We are one’ and ‘Everything I need is within me’ – yet there’s still the longing!!

What are those things for you?

For me it is total peace with myself and dissolving rigidity with joy joy joy!!  What about you? Is it freedom? Or perhaps the deepest peace with absolute certainty all is well. Maybe it’s to feel resolved with a past relationship or time in your life. Perhaps to release all the stubborn defences or feelings of trauma that keep popping up?

 My experience is that anything and everything is available to us, it’s all about what we focus ourselves into and tune ourselves with. For example, if you happen to watch a lot of TV and talk about the news you’ll be tuning to the frequency of that. Whereas if you put your awareness into feeling the greatest joy and tune into stories and people that uplift your spirit, that tuning will bring a very different reality for you.

“Blissful Unity” is all about focusing ourselves with deepest integrity into our abundance, joy, freedom, presence, fullness, love, health. All of it.

How does that sound to you ? We have begun this journey of 6 weeks but there is still time to join us or sign up for the recorded version.

Watch a video of us talking about the first session here:

Already we are hearing incredible stories of bliss from our beautiful participants. Robin told us that she would be talking with a friend soon after the session finished. She was feeling triggered and apprehensive as it was a challenging emotional subject. So Robin consciously brought lots of light and consciousness to it throughout the session. We then received this message from her later that day…

 “It was such a different conversation than I’ve ever been able to have in the face of conflict…it was just really harmonious”. 

If you feel it is your time to live your blissful unity just click on the button below.

So much love,

Megan xx

(sent as an email to our wonderful supporters on 19/11/22)


FREE Dive into Bliss


Channeled healing - excerpt from a session