Where do you keep going despite fighting against your natural rhythm?

Some will be very specific to you and some that many of us share.

These things somehow feel like you were signed into some kind of agreement that feels so uncomfortable to go along with and yet so uncomfortable to speak up and change.

Sound familiar?

It feels important to explore this just now.

In an incredible time of evolution, as more and more of us are waking up to realising we can choose. 

You create your reality and the joy in your heart is the single most potent indicator that you’re on track… if ease and joy is what you want to experience that is!!

I have been consciously aware of this, to growing degrees, since around age 17. There was a moment when I was sitting on the bus on the way home from sixth form college. I felt heavy and churny and yucky and I remember vowing to myself I would not get myself ‘in this mess’ again. 

This was the potent moment that I began leaning, more consciously, into my intuition. Of course there have been many pathways and nuances with this vow along the way. But this was the moment, and I am ever grateful to my soul, my being, for letting me feel what has always been my path…TRUTH.

It has been a lonely and baffling path many times along the way but it’s the one I’d still choose. It is the most beautiful, satiating and exhilarating way to live.

I will touch on a few story points for clarity but I’m not here to tell a story as much as to share with you my dedication to live and encourage the living in truth, in your divine and true nature.

Trying to live against our nature causes all sorts of strife. From chronic conditions like ME, anxiety, stress induced conditions and yes I’d go as far as to say, the illnesses that debilitate and even kill. These conditions or outcomes are often seeded in the distortion of your true nature being overridden by obligation, expectation and just really trying to fit in!

A deep learning for me was being ‘on’ and interacting with others, getting stuff done and feeling it was such a battle right at the start of my menstrual bleed.

A few years ago I came to the decision that I would not run groups, see clients or try to do much when I was in this window of my cycle.

It has been a beautiful journey of deepening since that time of awareness. Both women and men have thanked me for doing this. For honouring my natural way and showing a possibility for them to live more in harmony with their rhythms.

I will highlight that it has not always felt easy!! Even now, because my cycle is not an exact science, planning can feel really challenging. I still have little fights with the conditioned feeling of letting people down and not fulfilling my agreement to meet with someone or get something done ata certain point in time. 

But, as soon as I drop the fight and let my rhythm speak her wisdom I am in flow again. Yes, sometimes people are disappointed but often the change of a meeting time actually has some magic in relation to their rhythm too.

Have you ever gotten ill right before something you thought you had to do or somewhere you thought you had to go? Even if you thought you wanted it?

This is likely your body giving you the result that was highest for you, what you really wanted deep down. Maybe not the route you would have chosen but that is often times your body taking care of your needs!!

I witness this so often. One particular day of secondary school sticks in my mind. I can remember burning up and feeling really off in class. I got up the courage to say to the teacher that I wasn’t feeling well, knowing I just wanted to go home and feeling really emotional about it.

The moment  I spoke up I began to feel better . Then I proceeded to get in a conflict within myself that I was lying and I was really fine. 

What I now see was going on… I spoke up, my body responded with relief, harmony restoring. Then I got to work feeling guilty for tuning back to my true nature rather than doing what I thought I should because the rules say go to school, do what the teacher says and so on. 

Do you relate to this?

It can be tricky. I’ve had this in many interactions over and over. I feel awful then make the call to pivot and feel so much better!!

In the grace of perfection today is actually such a beautiful example of this.

Meetings postponed, pushed back and the feeling of more space created in the happening of that. Pushing and fighting is never the answer. Well, this is what I find to be true.

Taking a deep breathe and diving into something new and unfamiliar, now that is different. And here is the invitation for impeccability. To discern and tune ever more deeply to the LOVE of your true nature. 

Your nature loving you in every moment.


11 / 11 Illumination 2024


Honouring our nature, natural rhythms and Journey of this.